Saturday, July 31, 2021

Safe Nuclear Reactors, & Why we don't have them! 

Thorium nuclear reactors are real and they are safe. The reason they were not developed to produce clean safe energy for the entire country/world is that thorium can not be weaponized.  Yes we are that insane!

Check out the video.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Suing the US Congress in The Hague AKA The world Court!

A letter to ” On Contact”
I’ve been observing Chris Hedges for a while now and reading some of his books and I wanted to ask what he would think about suing the US Congress at the World Court in The Hague. He has brought cases against US administration’s. I imagine the crimes perpetrated by the Congress to be quite obvious yet I’m compelled to continue. 
We are talking about crimes against humanity and clear violations of the oath of office. Legislation has been passed or negated that clearly jeopardizes human life. Air is being polluted, patients are dying, wars are being waged, civilians are being bombed laws are being written that favor corporations and the list goes on. 
Perhaps the utter failure to have a workable and fair tax code, showing an obvious incompetence or more likely a beneficial contrived struggle is a clear demonstration of providing yourself with a purpose. The American electorate are naive and unfortunately not thinking critically about their government. 
As you are aware the recent report by the Trump administration’s DOT concluded that by 2100 global temperatures rise will make human life unsustainable hence the deregulation of clean air standards was a “it’s to late”  decision that they made for the entire planet. Clearly this was not their decision to make. This alone is a crime for the World Court to adjudicate.
Cleary the US Government is out of control and no longer serves the interest of the people. If they, meaning all the members of the Senate and The House of Representatives are not forced to leave office and make retribution by serving time in prison and doing public service then a total societal collapse is almost inevitable. In fact  a recent study and report by the US military stated the very same prediction. We are running out of time, these political charlatans must be stopped and brought to justice. There are some members of the Congress that are not blatantly criminals however their lack of objection’s to the direction of the government is a form of compliance.

DT in New Hampshire. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

My brother who like me came into a world that lacked the one main thing that every child needs – security. In defense of our mother and father I should point out that they too were victims of ill-equipped parents. I think that in some way they loved us, one thing is certain, we loved them. And in the end I believe we gave them (especially our mother) more than they gave us. Joe and I were fortunate having two older sisters, (Nancy & Patty) they gave us some sense of security, they cared for us, this care aided in our survival, however they too, were abused. In one of our many recent talks Joe said  to me “it is lucky we work at all” work here referring to “function”. I believe the proper term that best described us is dysfunctional. Yet with the deck stacked against him in a hostile world, Joe was able to thrive and most importantly to show love.
As I write these words Joe is lying in a hospital bed teetering between life and death. Life would not be life without an ending, it would be something harboring the supernatural or perhaps even the macabre. Death is the unknown and we seem to fear what we do not know, at the same time it would be more frightening not to die. What is missing for me is understanding, if I understood then of course I would be sad, very sad, but I would know what happened to my brother. In the absence of understanding I face a brick wall for I cannot accept what is truly unacceptable.  And now I am told, Joe is gone, we are all sad, heartbroken.
With my mind confounded I have come upon something that  for me is at least a plausible avenue to ease the pain. Still I know that loss is something that cannot be assuaged by any light. Yet there is some relief in knowing and seeing certain things. The first is this, and it is powerful, Joe would understand our sorrow but it wouldn’t be long before that incredible sense of humor would kick in and he would be finding the humor that would get us across the chasm we now face. We would be crying and laughing at the same time.
I would like to share with you what Ive been holding to, in order to try and make this tolerable. Science and philosophy has uncovered this; everything, all that exist is energy, atoms teeming with energy are
the building blocks of everything, they were not born, nor will they die. The atoms that make us up were here from the beginning, if there was such a thing. These atoms were once part of stars that ended their life cycle in violent explosions thus spreading throughout the universe eventually ending up, in us. We are the very same atoms, the energy of the universe.
  This is all in the field of (living & dying), which we call the finite, being all that we can see, hear, touch, remember and describe. This field is basically that which is manifest, or tangible and what is true about the finite is that it cannot stand on its own. Hence on the other hand we have the essential “infinite” by contrast, its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word “spirit”whose root meaning is “ wind or breath”. This suggest an invisible but pervasive energy, to which the manifest world of the finite responds. This energy, or spirit, infuses all living beings, and without it any organism must fall apart into its constituent elements. That which is truly alive in the living being is this energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies.” Our Joe has simply returned to his essence. Some of us call this energy “God”.
I loved Joe and I love you!
Note: The last paragraph which I have edited to my understanding and expression was written as part of a eulogy for a friend of Professor David Bohm. David Bohm was a world renowned physicist from Wilkes-Barre, PA.