Monday, June 13, 2022

WAKE UP CALL! New comment added 8/11

 At the quantum level everything is energy, in the area of what humans refer to as reality nothing is as our senses make it appear. All is energy never born, never dying. Life is a movement on the surface of energy. Humans are just a life form, a manifestation that has the potential of comprehension. This potential has gone wrong in that humans view themselves as separate, this allows us to mistreat and abuse all forms of life. In not understanding we've invented it "understanding" and thus set out on a course of insane, and incoherent abuse of ourselves and everything exposed to us. We've turned ourselves into a blight an infestation causing irreparable* harm to the environment that sustains us. We are a planet of fools, understanding nothing. I am sorry but it needs to be said. * irreparable in the time of the human.


PS: There are of course humans that are trying to combat the tide of ignorance however if we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.

Remark on Climate Change video: 8/11

The human has been out of touch with reality for as long as the human could think. There is no doubt that the human can fix this situation, but the question is will the human fix this? I watched a short video by Carl Sagan the other day and he concluded that we are a planet of idiots. The current paradigm that rules the world (materialism) is wrong and unsurvivable. Any species capable of self destruction is not a viable species.Saving ourselves from the global threat of climate change is no guarantee that we will save ourselves from ourselves.