Monday, September 5, 2022

Are We Actually Living or Just Thinking We are Living? REV. 4, 10/21

From my Inner Monologue:

 You never stay in not knowing, your mind wanders. You are aware of the wondering, yes. It wasn't what you call living, life, no it was your thinking. You reacted to your own thinking, which you thought was life itself. Yes that is what you did that is what you are doing. It seems that to know life or to experience life directly ones thinking must abate. (temporarily) I am not denying sensual perceptions, those only have meaning according to our thoughts.

This coincides with "we do not see reality" (Donald Hoffman) or the way to truth is "with a silent mind".  (J Krishnamurti) among others.

Rev. 2, 9/18

It is natural to want to understand what life is, here pain is the catalyst and of course curiosity. All of our friends and loved ones are dying, will die and of course we ourselves will die. I spent my youth either ignoring or  escaping these facts along with some mental issues. The fact is, the longer I am alive the more clear it is to me that all of humanity are afflicted with some type of mental issues. The fact that we escape this life of mystery and pain ostensibly explains religion. Religions make outlandish claims that are mired in utter nonsense. Human desperation makes clear the "proverbial leap of faith".   

I am back to "thinking must abate". You can call this meditation however be aware, in reality there is meditating when the image of meditating is not there. Follow the breath and be aware of the mental images that arise, but do not  dwell on anything. It is said that there is a natural  understanding natural meaning it is already there and for it too manifest the mind must be still.  This may seem an arduous task but that is only because we've filled our minds with all kinds of things in our quest to understand or escape the pain of not understanding. It also seems extremely sensible that truth is not knowledge and is available to all simply by being aware. Try it, it certainly cannot hurt. I am going to try it myself. I'll keep you posted.

REV 3/ 9/28

It is the I that wants liberation, is the "I" the problem in the first place? Self arises in our thinking! The term for this understanding is Non - Duality. 

REV. 4/ 10/31 I think and feel that there is a right way to exist, to be and that very well may be true, however it is not contained in the human field of knowledge. 


Friday, July 15, 2022

New Conservative Study Shows no Fraud in 2020 Election.

 Here are the first two paragraphs of the report. Search New Conservative report shows no fraud in 2020 election. 

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- After reviewing every claim of fraud and irregularities brought by Donald Trump and his supporters in all 64 cases challenging the 2020 election, a group of notable conservatives has reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that Trump's claims of election fraud are unsupported by evidence. Many of these cases were overseen by Trump appointed judges.

The group also examined all post-election reviews and audits in six battleground states. "Donald Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case," Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election states.


Donald Trump lost the 2020 election this report further demonstrates that fact. If people do not accept that fact there is obviously something wrong with their thinking. I hope that they will finally come to see what is actually happening. Trump has committed Treason in his effort to hold power, he and those that aided him in his attempt to seize power must be brought to justice. Our country has been greatly harmed by the Trump movement and we must return to our democracy. It is a fact that both major parties contributed to Trumps grab for power by selling government control to corporations. This atmosphere of corruption paved the way for Trump. We must reform the government by removing completely the influence of money. 


Monday, June 13, 2022

WAKE UP CALL! New comment added 8/11

 At the quantum level everything is energy, in the area of what humans refer to as reality nothing is as our senses make it appear. All is energy never born, never dying. Life is a movement on the surface of energy. Humans are just a life form, a manifestation that has the potential of comprehension. This potential has gone wrong in that humans view themselves as separate, this allows us to mistreat and abuse all forms of life. In not understanding we've invented it "understanding" and thus set out on a course of insane, and incoherent abuse of ourselves and everything exposed to us. We've turned ourselves into a blight an infestation causing irreparable* harm to the environment that sustains us. We are a planet of fools, understanding nothing. I am sorry but it needs to be said. * irreparable in the time of the human.


PS: There are of course humans that are trying to combat the tide of ignorance however if we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.

Remark on Climate Change video: 8/11

The human has been out of touch with reality for as long as the human could think. There is no doubt that the human can fix this situation, but the question is will the human fix this? I watched a short video by Carl Sagan the other day and he concluded that we are a planet of idiots. The current paradigm that rules the world (materialism) is wrong and unsurvivable. Any species capable of self destruction is not a viable species.Saving ourselves from the global threat of climate change is no guarantee that we will save ourselves from ourselves.

Monday, May 30, 2022




There have been some notable events that saw US citizens killed by their own military. There are or I should say were laws preventing this from occurring. The Posse Comitatus Act (latin for power of the country) was a law written in 1878 that basically prevented the president from using the military as a police force. There, of course were loop holes and the Obama administration passed legislation that negated Posse Comitatus. 

In 1863 President Lincoln used battle hardened soldiers to put down a riot in New York City the issue was the drafting of soldiers to fight in the war. 

In 1932 a group of World War One veterans marched on Washington DC to get a bonus they were promised. President Herbert Hoover ordered General MacArthur to use tanks and the Calvary to disperse the veterans. The Veterans called themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force and they actually built a camp on what is called Anacostia Flats. The army under MacArthur killed 2 veterans and injured hundreds while burning the camp This was still the depression the veterans were desperate.  

In 1967 the Detroit riots saw President Johnson send in the 81st and 101st Airborne units to quell the rioters, they killed 43 citizens. 

In 1967 Newark Riots saw 26 killed with hundreds injured.

In 1968 the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr. saw wide spread rioting across the country. In Washington DC alone it took 13,600 soldiers to restore order.

In 1992 The LA riots covered 32 square miles it took all the police plus 10,000 national guard troops and hundreds of marines, to restore order. 

In May of 1970 I was just days from coming home from the war in Vietnam. On the 4th of May 4 protesters were killed and 9 injured when the Ohio national guard opened fire on protesters. It was a volatile situation and there is still debate if the soldiers that fired were justified. 

As we can see the US citizenry are not secure in the knowledge that their military will not be turned on them. Also todays political situation is actually much more unstable than the other times depicted herein.* Just recently former President Trump wanted to kill protesters near the Capitol. 

As the country moves closer to fascism the idea of disarming the public becomes more tenable In pre WWII Germany gun control was strict it loosened up a bit if your were a member of the Nazi party.  Along with gun violence we see police departments looking more like military units than police departments. Some police departments have armored vehicles with heavy machine guns, just what are they planning for? 

I do not want to make this a political commentary, but it's my gut feeling that the right will take your weapon before the left. I say this because the right is leaning toward Fascism. Regardless of what party is in charge we must stand together if and when they come for our rifles. 

Since 1963, 193,000 children and teens were killed by guns, this is an appalling number and is indicative of a very sick society. No matter how appalling this carnage is of our children , it pales in comparison to the number of people killed by their own governments. Joseph Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 40 million Russians, Hitler executed 6 to 7 million people most of them jews. When the Nazis couldn't shoot them fast enough they built gas chambers to kill faster and more economically. Pol Pot killed at least 3 million of his Cambodian countrymen. They were especially noted for cracking babies sculls against palm tree trunks. They liked the sound. Idi Amin the Uganda  dictator is said to have killed 300,000 citizens their crime was not agreeing with Amin.  Latin and south America have had numerous dictators Pinochet of Chili and Juan PerĂ³n from Argentina, two notables where hundreds of thousands simply disappeared The world we've fashioned is a world that runs and thrives on violence. I say it thrives because our economy is greatly enhanced by the US war machine. 

One child killed by a gun is too many we could with sensible gun laws eliminate some if not all of these senseless and insane crimes. The fact that this is true makes those not passing this legislation accomplices.  If one sees things as they actually are then turning over assault rifles is a very bad idea.  


* Save the Civil War

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Materialism Rules Society!

Our culture believes that matter generates consciousness this has led us to materialism which currently guides our way of life, which is tumbling into chaos. 


 It is obvious to most clear thinkers that the human race has positioned itself, in a precarious situation, where a (self inflicted) question of survival is manifest. Today the US zeitgeist is permeated with a certain amount of morbidity ( i.e an unhealthy mental state). This adds credence to "things need to change". This human state of affairs is proof that the paradigm we are following (materialism) is plainly wrong, and not working.

Today the global paradigm is materialism, this not only refers to an obsession with stuff, possessions but more precisely it is a philosophical theory that regards matter and its motions as constituting the universe, and all phenomena, including those of mind, as due to material agencies. The question! Does consciousness arise from matter or does matter arise from consciousness?

Like all other eras in human history we have among us critical thinkers, I am not one of them, however I feel that I can recognize them. I also understand that we need to listen to them. To name a few: Donald Hoffman, his work includes "do we see reality as it is? We do not is the answer and there is proof, Bernardo Kastrup helps us understand why we do not see things as they truly are and much more. Chris Hedges explains the decay of the US empire, how the government was sold to the oligarchs. David Cay Johnston gives us a clear picture of the Trump phenomenon. Thomas Campbell unifies Philosophy, Physics and Metaphysics. Physics i.e matter and energy, metaphysics i.e being and knowing. When you seek out these names you will then come in contact with other critical thinkers and entire organizations dedicated to bringing about the next global paradigm. One that will be minus conflict. Let's not forget Ralph Nader.

Not only has science shown us that we do not see reality as it is we've also discovered that what is there can not stand on its own,  meaning there is something deeper. This is actually quite simple, in that everything we know that exist is finite and being finite cannot have an independent existence.  

Consider our eye sight, we do not see things like a camera lens rather we see light waves that the brain reconstructs and we take this as reality. There is no possible way to know for sure that what we are seeing represents what is actually there. We are being told that we are not seeing things as they actually are and there is proof. You will have to delve into this to get that understanding. This is not a cop out as I said I am not a critical or gifted thinker. 

When I first heard that "we do not see things as they are" I thought that sounds like deception. It turns out that if we saw things as they truly are (truth) then science demonstrates, that we would not have survived. This is telling us that our understanding of Evolution is in need of new thinking. 

It is the immense suffering caused by our materialistic paradigm that deeply upsets me and has me searching for ways to end our pain. It does not have to be this way. The current global leadership is inept, incoherent, immature, silly and unfortunately very dangerous. They are obsessed with the possession aspects of materialism and have subsequently (in the US) burdened almost the entire population of our country. We are being enslaved. In order to get away with this, clever corrupt politicians turn citizen against citizen. The criminals (Congress, not all) are owned by the Oligarchs. As I write this people are being killed, people are starving, the planet that supports all life is literally being poisoned. We must realize that none of this would be happening, it wouldn't be possible if we were acting through intelligence. 

So is there a new paradigm that will end conflict? Yes there is and I should say it isn't actually new however through new research its meaning is being broadened. Idealism is what will alter the behavior of the species, and it must because the way things stand now humanity is not a viable species. We are not viable because at any moment we are capable of self destruction. This outcome can be traced back to its root cause "materialism" thereby proving that the our guiding paradigm is wrong. Idealism is being bolstered even demonstrated to be a correct philosophy through rigorous research and critical thinking. The foundation for Idealism lies in the fact that it postulates that everything is mental, mentation. Further this mentation takes in the entire universe, everything that exist, is encompassed by a universal mind. We could also state it as such "consciousness is the ground of being". There is  of course the intellectual aspect to Idealism  and we need to be aware of the spiritual aspect of Idealism which we can trace back to the early days of Buddhism. Idealism is really quite simple, it is putting forward an undivided reality (from the web)  any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of mind. It is a mind blowing realization to understand that there is only one thing, "mind". Until the individual mind understands this, true Idealism cannot manifest

There are better descriptions of Idealism, follow some of the leads and you'll find them. Do we find the idea that there is a right way to live disconcerting, we've got it wrong from the outset. Some will view this as utter nonsense while the quality of life diminishes on an almost daily basis.  The proof (possible self destruction, that we are not a viable species seems a very convincing axiom. Yet again there are those that will stay the course. A large segment of our population has been manipulated into hating people they don't even know. They are being used by the Oligarchs, swayed by mostly undelivered promises. This is materialism in action. 

Idealism surely encompasses human decency, living a good life which will only happen when we see things as they are not as we wish or hope them to be.

DT AKA Bill Rogan

*  I could never spell or pronounce this word. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

21 0f 31 Latin Amer. Countries now prefer China over US

 The numbers show an alarming trend 21 0f 31 Latin American countries are refusing US aid and partnering with China instead. As the US loses its global prestige and influence, Chinas global influence grows. Even close US allies work with Russia in some areas. For some time now US politicians have been infighting and ignoring governing the country. Coupled with a weak executive branch US global ranking took some real hard hits. Couple this problem with problems at home like the shrinking middle class and we see our country moving slowly but surely toward a third world status for the majority of the citizenry. The majority of US citizen have not had a government that represents them for time now. The current status of the US government is more like a criminal disorganization in that there are many companies and politicians doing separate deals and corporations are writing laws, all to take advantage of the US citizens. It is an out of control crime wave. 


Monday, February 28, 2022

Hating people and things you don't know.

 This is accomplished by manipulation. Why do, mainly politicians use this tactic? It takes the focus of the people away from their (the politicians) actions and behavior. Then propaganda is used to sway the minds of certain groups against other groups. Good example of this is the notorious welfare queens. It is true that there is welfare fraud however the politician manipulating your mind has you believing that there are hundreds of thousands of cases and it is ruining the lives of hard working US citizens. We forget that there are laws against welfare fraud, and then we never ask, okay Mr. Politician since you are aware of this crime and who the perpetrators are, "why aren't you stopping it? . People are duped by politicians in order to get support for their agenda, which entails benefiting supporters of the politician they give the politician money and he pays them back with tax breaks or laws that benefit their business. Rarely does the duped base ever see any real benefits from the politician. 

DT, Come on people we are much, much better that this!  

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Proof we live in an Oligarchy.!

Below is a video proving that the Government does not care what the average citizen thinks. We live in an Oligarchy.

This report has been around for some time and as much as we don't like it we do nothing to stop it. Congress needs to be forced to serve the peoples will. Only an organized movement of the majority will bring that about. The people are enslaved by their government and the government keeps it that way by turning us against each other.