Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sustaining Belief! Warning Danger!

The holy books actually teach us something we need to understand, unfortunately we seem to be missing it. Consider that thought is capable of sustaining itself from generation to generation. This gives rise to the stream of human consciousness, where ideas and beliefs are sustained. In many instances people are thinking the exact same thing as people that lived thousands of years ago. Some people question what has been passed down and others do not and I'm uncertain as to why. In the case of the holy books, perhaps the people that accept them do it because they think they are getting something out of them, i e, Salvation. The idea of salvation is a thought sustained idea, people think they need to be saved via the holy book that then purports to save them.  

Let's consider, if the stories of the bible were introduced today for the first time. These tales would most likely, not be taken seriously, as the word of god, they would be taken for what they are and that is, tales. They may be seen as allegory but certainly not actuality. It is doubtful that people would be arguing to justify these tales, they would more likely be seeking proof. This proof would not be accepted if it came from with-in the tales themselves. The proof would need to be arrived at through the use of logic, i e, justified by reason. We also must consider that concrete proof one way or the other may not be possible, proof needs to be objective not subjective.We cannot say our holy books are true via their content or because they say they are.

Do we see the role that thought is playing? Our handed down thoughts are responsible for the role the holy books are playing in our lives. In one word "tradition" it seems to add validity to our beliefs. Yet is there such a thing as tradition or is it just more thinking? As we see, if thought did not play this role, we would question the validity of the contents our holy books. We think we need salvation via the books that tell us without actual proof that they are the way to thought induced salvation.  Delving a bit further into the role that thought is playing in our lives. We see that thought is constantly projecting the me in surroundings that are also projected. Here's the thing, there is no reason to project this reality because it is already happening without the interference of thought. In other words thinking you are here is redundant. Then there is this, if we are "thinking our existence" then we are missing the actuality of existence. Can we see that much of the stream of human consciousness is habitual. One more thing concerning the role that thought plays in our religious beliefs, every individual perceives god in their own unique way. Doesn't this tell us that it is our perceptions, that we are taking for god. If this were not the case everyone would think of god in the exact same way which would imply knowing. This points out that we do not know the god that we claim to worship. We just think we do. A god that needs or wants worship is a needy god which is pretty much a disqualification, of godliness.  

We are back again to awareness just look at awareness, it is natural, we are always aware, yet we must be aware that we are aware. The people that penned the holy books because they were unaware set in motion the quest for salvation which has resulted in human suffering and sorrow. What I am about to say for me, seems to be true but I cannot say that it is actually true. "Yet" This natural awareness will awaken us, allowing us to meld with our true nature eliminating our questions concerning existence. 

DT, On The Road To Freedom!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Letter to Tim Cook from Ralph Nader


In the Public Interest

Letter to Tim Cook, Other Ultra-rich CEOs and Hedge Fund Titans

The victims of the devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria need your help now. The surviving families and children and those rescued alive from the rubble are in serious danger in affected wintertime impoverished regions. Refugees in other places fleeing their war-torn homelands are also suffering. International aid agencies are grossly insufficient for these immediate humanitarian necessities.

What are you Big Business Titans doing sitting on massive pay, profits and tax escapes? Awakening your consciousness for your fellow human beings may be a modest form of redemption. Further, you have access to logistics specialists, delivery systems, communication facilities and many other contacts and resources. You get your calls returned! Fast!

Tim Cook, you have been making $833 a MINUTE (plus lavish benefits). Remarkably, your compensation is not even in the top ten of operating company CEOs. Moreover, your own cultivated sense of envy knows that there are Hedge Fund Goliaths, who in some recent years, made off with over $2,500 per MINUTE on a forty-hour week.

Tim, you and the Apple corporation are known to pay few taxes given what tax attorneys and tax accountants do for you (especially with Apple taking advantage of foreign tax havens while receiving the fruits of Washington’s free government R&D over the years). Your company has so much leftover money, flowing from the deprivation of a million serf laborers in China, and so few productive outlets for this mass of capital that you have set records for stock buybacks—over $400 billion in the last decade.

You and Apple and the Hedge Fund Titans are not known for your charitable giving as a percent of your adjusted gross income. Yet, if asked “Do you believe in the Golden Rule?” you would probably say “Yes” – at least in public.

Use your wealth and newfound empathy to organize direct relief for these earthquake victims and other major refugee areas such as the starving children of Somalia. Deliver food, medicine, clothing, shelter, mobile clinics and many other available airlifted essentials. Hire skilled people to make it happen. Give your new organization a prominent logo for permanence and for setting an example for other super-rich to emulate.

Your isolation from the public expectation that you enter the above engagements in a significant way is quite remarkable. That should trouble you and your public relations advisors.

Just this week National Public Radio (NPR) featured a startling compilation of what producers of movies and TV shows believe appeals to their viewers. It is no longer awe or envy of the ‘rich and famous.’ It is no longer the Horatio Alger myth. It is encapsulated in NPR’s headline: Why “eat the rich” storylines are taking over TV and movies.

As Bob Dylan sang, “the times, they are a-changin’.”

NPR reporter Kristin Schwab related:

“Hollywood’s depictions of the wealthy – and perhaps societal attitudes toward them – have changed.… The moment isn’t random. Think about the extreme economic events we’ve been through. There’s the pandemic, when essential workers kept the country running while the richest 1% amassed a huge sum of wealth – twice as much as the rest of the world put together (her emphasis), according to the non-profit Oxfam. And before that was The Great Recession, which is how we got the term “the 1%.”

Mr. Cook, Apple is reportedly making a contribution to the Turkey/Syria relief effort. Are you personally making a contribution? Your Big Business Titan comrades may think they can get away with gated, cold-blooded mentalities. They may be right about that if the mass media doesn’t turn its steely gaze toward their hoards of gold and question their “don’t give a damn” attitude.

Maybe they just can’t help themselves – so busy are they counting their lucre. Here is an idea: ask them to ask their grandchildren, 12 and under, what they want them to do. Absorb their moral authority and MOVE FAST TO HELP THOSE IN NEED!

Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader

Sunday, February 12, 2023

PAIN a Warning Sign.

  If the body receives a physical injury the nerves respond by alerting us with pain. Pain is simply telling us that there is something wrong and we must take corrective action. With that in mind we could say that pain is a good thing. I am going to suggest that mental pain is serving the same purpose. Mental pain has many sources that I will divide into two parts. The first one sees pain arise in regards to our personality. An example of this would be feeling pain because we think and feel that we are in some way not living up to standards be they self imposed or imposed through societal pressures. There are countless ways this type of pain can arise. The second avenue for the sensation of pain has to do with "being". A good example of this type of pain has to do with, not understanding why I, we are here, this encompasses the entirety of our existence. This pain is also telling us that there is something intrinsically wrong with our life. This type of pain explains the rise of religion however it is important to understand that religion is the outcome of pain, if there were no pain, people would not pursue religion. Religion arose after the feeling of pain. Religious people have not put an end to pain in many cases religious belief has worsened their pain. Religions, have their followers waiting for a reward, in the mean time pain prevails. 

The pain we are feeling from not understanding our place in life can only end when we have an insight into living. This insight will not come about through the process of thinking. This insight must be natural and there is only one thing we have that is natural and that is awareness. See that you are aware without any effort, when you are aware that you are aware, stay there, at first your mind will wander just be aware. Imagine God creating us and then making us pass a test to gain the totality of creation. What ever talents we possess to pass Gods test are God given, there is simply no logical way around this. 

with love, DT 

Note to Dems asking for support!

 I don't know how it is that I am considered a Democrat. I am not a member of any political party. It is factual that both major parties Democrats & Republicans have sold our government to the wealthy. I suggest you work to change all this before it is too late. 

A large segment of the countries population is economically under water, there are 600K homeless people, sixty percent of the workforce is living pay check to pay check. The Congress the Executive and the Judicial branches have turned against the peoples will. The outcome of all this is hard to predict however before "1984" comes to fruition there will be a revolt. 


Saturday, February 4, 2023

US PRISON SYSTEM Please, see link to help!

 With just 4.4 percent of the global population the United States has over twenty percent of the worlds population of prisoners. Why? The US has turned the prison system into a business. The US ranks number 79 in violent crimes, of all the nations on Earth. Right now there are about one million six hundred thousand US citizens incarcerated. 

These numbers are represented by poor white men, black and latino men. Many of these prisoners have not had a fair trial. This is criminal behavior by local, state and the federal government. We must put an end to these crimes against our citizens.

Link: "The Sentencing Project" See what's been going on for 50 years os mass incarceration.

I will add more to this as I do more research.