Saturday, May 27, 2023


There is a scientific study that is saying what we perceive, see, is not real 

What is perceiving this non reality? what is creating the illusion? Can the intellect answer these questions? What is the base of the human experience? The mind without effort is aware. Thinking obscures our awareness, what would our conscious lives look like if thought wasn't always running unchecked? It is said that being aware brings silence an abatement of thought. In this silence there is tentatively something else operating. perhaps it is the understanding we seek. I am not claiming to know anything this is just my opinion. I think the truth is very simple.


From the Diary! May 9, 23

 A nice spring day. I have been living in thoughts, taking them as reality. I sense something and that produces, feelings, thoughts and I take my reaction as reality, when it was just more thinking. This is crazy, I have no skill, or talents or intellect to deal with life. I don't know what it is. 

The most important thing I see is "we have it all wrong. The individual self trying to become something is illusion. Eight billion people all making the same mistake. Is that how you want to say it? It seems it could be clearer. The self arises in thought, it doesn't exist as an actual  entity. I want an effect from seeing that, but that is still the self. 

What I am is the momentum of the conditioned self. Yes this must end, how? There is no how, that is still the self. This means that there must be something already operating that thought prohibits us from seeing. Look into the mind, there is only awareness.