If global temperatures continue on with the current trend then the planet will become uninhabitable for humans and many other species. As temperatures rise, food production will fall off and the outcome will be mass starvation. Crops that aren't scorched by the blistering sun will be inundated by torrential rains. If there are some sources of food that survive people will kill each other for them. The quest for water will have the same outcome. What is being over looked by many people is the fact that rising global temperatures thus sea level rise are already baked into the planets climate.
The US, Russia or China may ascertain that a first strike killing most of the people on the planet will be their best bet for survival. However, nuclear winter may be an unsurvivable result of this attempt at, "to be the last man standing".
I do not know if humanity has crossed the point at which survival is no longer possible. It is altogether possible that we will succumb. If there is a chance of surviving then according to the "extinction rebellion" and many scientist, we must act decisively and we must act now. Goggle the "extinction rebellion" and or Roger Hallam.
The government and many corporations are doing nothing to lower carbon emissions, consider that carbon emissions have risen since countries gave their pledges to get carbon emissions under control. The government of the United States along with US corporations have enslaved us, now they are killing us.
There are places in Africa that have already reached temperatures that make human survival impossible. Countries are running out of water adding millions of people to climate migration. Foods grown under conditions of more carbon in the atmosphere have less protein. The demands humans are placing on the natural world are reducing the natural worlds ability to sustain us.
One of the main things we have not understood is the very delicate balance of the natural world. I recall the Gia theory that demonstrated that life is a self governing process. Humanity neglected the environment acting as if we were not a part of it. Eight billion people in an industrialized world have never lived in harmony with the nature that produced them.
In early August of 23, parts of China received nearly 30 inches of rain in a period of five days. The devastation was immense, the devastation included the loss of crops resulting in the predictions of widespread famine.
Extreme weather of all types is becoming the norm and we are told that this is just the beginning. One can not help but wonder do the people that are directly responsible for climate change have families? What could possibly be their mind set? The facts though are inescapable the people with the money and our government simply do not care. Is it that they believe it is to late to stop what's coming "the total collapse of human society". That is not for them to decide.
I find it incredible that people are doubting human activity is effecting the climate. The planet is a closed environmental system and there is carbon in the atmosphere and that carbon has an effect on the weather, climate. Humans have raised the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and that is causing the planet to warm. It is simple science. Think of your car in a closed garage with the motor running equals death. Now understand that the planet is a closed system and hundreds of millions of cars and hundreds of thousands of coal furnaces etc, are filling the system with carbon, it is really quite simple.
I believe things are going to get worse, but I also believe we can stop the worst of what's to come.
DT remaining hopeful!