Sunday, March 21, 2021

THE CHRISTIAN GODS BIBLICAL MURDER SPREE! Rewritten for corrections in spelling etc. on 3/23/21

 The other day I watched someone go through the bible and count the number of murders committed by god. In this so called Christian tome, the final count was nearly twenty five million people. Admittedly the number is an estimate because town populations and army numbers had to be estimated. One can consider the largest number of murders arose from the biblical story of (the great flood) where god killed everyone on Earth except Noah and his family. Earth could have had twenty million inhabitants at the time. Everyone of those people were guilty of sin according to god, but what of the babies, the innocent children and worst of all, the thousands of babies in the womb. Let us not forget all of the animals, surely they should not suffer for human transgressions, god killed them all. All these murders convey a very disturbing and sinister tale about a so called loving but "just" god. This isn't the worst aspect of this diabolical tale, what is even more disturbing is that people actually think all this happened and worship the fiendish and despicable monster that committed these heinous acts. Still worse the believer lacks the common sense to recognize nonsense in choosing to ignore the following. There is no record of this flood, of course if everyone drowned (in distant lands) there would be no one to record the event. However records do show that other civilizations thrived at the time and did not record any deluge from heaven. Also consider that in just 3 generations after the flood the bible states that there were large cities populated by thousands of people. These large numbers of inhabitants is a mathematical and demographical impossibility.  

Of course if I thought for one moment that any of this was true I would certainly be looking over my shoulder, this Christian god is a raving lunatic. Not to worry though, because none of it is true. If it was true, spending an eternity in hell would be a small price to pay to avoid spending one minute with this sickening piece of fecal matter, let alone forever in its presence. The world we see around us is in turmoil and always lurking in the back of our minds is the notion that at any moment the humans will annihilate themselves.  This potential culmination of the human species is in no way linked to Christian Eschatology. Rather a violent or environmental end to the human species is a perfectly understandable outcome when you realize the nonsense that billions of people have accepted as truth and thus live their lives accordingly. The people that understand that these gods and their religions are a danger to our survival have stood by long enough. It is time to bring about change and it will not be easy. One of the first things that should be done is to make believers understand that they have no right to pass on their belief to their children or anyone else. If you brainwash a child from an early age you have taken away the child's right to decide what they want to believe provided they want to believe at all. Then there is this, it is a sin to harm a child and, by brainwashing the child you've taken away their right to be judged. God is supposedly going to judge everyone and if you don't let a child decide for themselves then god cannot judge them on their own merits. The fact that religious people continue on with this atrocity demonstrates their complete inability to think clearly. They will hear this and continue with the abuse of their children and their defiance of the god they purport to love and obey. 


Note: If people find this critique of the Christian Bible offensive and not the murder of 25 million people then we are lost. A species with such twisted ideas of what love means and is also capable of self annihilation, is in fact, not a viable species.  

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