Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Organizations for Change!

 According to Ralph Nader there are organizations worthy of our support!


  1. Alternative Radio:
  2. Appalachia-Science in the Public Interest:
  3. Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest:
  4. Beyond Nuclear:
  5. Beyond Pesticides:
  6. Blue Frontier Campaign:
  7. Center for Health, Environment & Justice:
  8. Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment:
  9. Children’s Advocacy Institute:
  10. Clean Air Campaign, Inc. [Send donations to: 307 7th Avenue, Room 1705 New York, NY 10001.]
  11. Doctors Without Borders USA:
  12. Earth Island Institute:
  13. Family Farm Defenders:
  14. Honor the Earth:
  15. Indian Law Resource Center:
  16. Solitary Watch:
  17. Nuclear Information and Resource Service:
  18. Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance:
  19. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility:
  20. Veterans for Peace:
  21. Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project:
  22. Whirlwind Wheelchair:

Trusted News Initiative 

Please listen to Russel Brands' You Tube show! 


Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Answer!

 A life time of analysis by hordes of philosophers, the common man, and woman, resulting in the accumulation of mountains of knowledge telling us how to live, perhaps spontaneously in the moment or according to some ism. All this effort resulting in a world we desperately need to change., want to change. Perhaps we have it all wrong, perhaps we have the answer and are failing to recognize it. What we are without trying is "aware". Awareness therefore may hold the answer! It could be that simple, just be aware, there is no effort required. Be aware, of our awareness.

Thought will keep churning just remain aware, don't try to change anything.

On the road to ending confusion.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


If global temperatures continue on with the current trend then the planet will become uninhabitable for humans and many other species. As temperatures rise, food production will fall off and the outcome will be mass starvation. Crops that aren't scorched by the blistering sun will be inundated by torrential rains. If there are some sources of food that survive people will kill each other for them. The quest for water will have the same outcome. What is being over looked by many people is the fact that rising global temperatures thus sea level rise are already baked into the planets climate.

The US, Russia or China may ascertain that a first strike killing most of the people on the planet will be their best bet for survival. However, nuclear winter may be an unsurvivable result of this attempt at, "to be the last man standing". 

I do not know if humanity has crossed the point at which survival is no longer possible. It is altogether possible that we will succumb. If there is a chance of surviving then according to the "extinction rebellion" and many scientist, we must act decisively and we must act now. Goggle the "extinction rebellion" and or Roger Hallam. 

The government and many corporations are doing nothing to lower carbon emissions, consider that carbon emissions have risen since countries gave their pledges to get carbon emissions under control. The government of the United States along with US corporations have enslaved us, now they are killing us. 

There are places in Africa that have already reached temperatures that make human survival impossible. Countries are running out of water adding millions of people to climate migration. Foods grown under conditions of more carbon in the atmosphere have less protein. The demands humans are placing on the natural world are reducing the natural worlds ability to sustain us. 

One of the main things we have not understood is the very delicate balance of the natural world. I recall the Gia theory that demonstrated that life is a self governing process. Humanity neglected the environment acting as if we were not a part of it. Eight billion people in an industrialized world have never lived in harmony with the nature that produced them. 

In early August of 23, parts of China received nearly 30 inches of rain in a period of five days. The devastation was immense, the devastation included the loss of crops resulting in the predictions of widespread famine. 

Extreme weather of all types is becoming the norm and we are told that this is just the beginning. One can not help but wonder do the people that are directly responsible for climate change have families? What could possibly be their mind set? The facts though are inescapable the people with the money and our government simply do not care. Is it that they believe it is to late to stop what's coming "the total collapse of human society". That is not for them to decide. 

I find it incredible that people are doubting human activity is effecting the climate. The planet is a closed environmental system and there is carbon in the atmosphere and that carbon has an effect on the weather, climate. Humans have raised the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and that is causing the planet to warm. It is simple science. Think of your car in a closed garage with the motor running equals death. Now understand that the planet is a closed system and hundreds of millions of cars and hundreds of thousands of coal furnaces etc, are filling the system with carbon, it is really quite simple.

I believe things are going to get worse, but I also believe we can stop the worst of what's to come.

DT remaining hopeful!


Friday, July 7, 2023

THE DEATH GENE! Revised July 14.

 As the body loses life the death gene, turns on. The gene unveils bliss in the absence of time. The end result being, eternal bliss in a single moment, at the moment of death. 

I don't believe this but it is an interesting possibility.


Sunday, June 11, 2023

Comment to Political Girl on the Constitution.

 Thank you! As members of the country we are governed and granted certain freedoms, in a broader sense however no person or persons are in any position to grant or deny any forms of freedom to anyone. In other words we are all born free. It is the inability of humanity to understand life that has resulted in the world we have today. Cutting to the chase todays world shows humanity to be a non viable species. This is founded on the pretext that at any moment through various means humanity can self annihilate.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Those defending the indicted Trump! Revised & apology added!

 Unfortunately millions of US citizens are in lockstep with idiocy. ( I am sorry to be so blunt but there is no other way to explain this behavior) They are unreachable and the only people that can save them are the very people they hate.

Trump lost the election so says sixty court cases some overseen by Judges Trump appointed. Many private studies managed by Conservatives say "there was no election fraud. People are refusing to accept and believe what is true. They are lost. Some of the states Trump said cheated during the election were Republican strongholds. Fox News has admitted that they were spreading lies about the election, they have admitted that Trump lost the election. Come on people, wake up! We need to reunite in order to deal with the Climate crisis something our government is failing to do.


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Remark following Noam Chomsky interview!

 Noam was interviewed by Lex Fridman.

The madness of those elected, the naïveté of the electorate the light that may save us, a candle in the wind. We look and we see an avalanche of ignorance a stampede of the stupid and this man that has an incredible insight into the human condition is saying that we can not survive ourselves..


Saturday, May 27, 2023


There is a scientific study that is saying what we perceive, see, is not real 

What is perceiving this non reality? what is creating the illusion? Can the intellect answer these questions? What is the base of the human experience? The mind without effort is aware. Thinking obscures our awareness, what would our conscious lives look like if thought wasn't always running unchecked? It is said that being aware brings silence an abatement of thought. In this silence there is tentatively something else operating. perhaps it is the understanding we seek. I am not claiming to know anything this is just my opinion. I think the truth is very simple.


From the Diary! May 9, 23

 A nice spring day. I have been living in thoughts, taking them as reality. I sense something and that produces, feelings, thoughts and I take my reaction as reality, when it was just more thinking. This is crazy, I have no skill, or talents or intellect to deal with life. I don't know what it is. 

The most important thing I see is "we have it all wrong. The individual self trying to become something is illusion. Eight billion people all making the same mistake. Is that how you want to say it? It seems it could be clearer. The self arises in thought, it doesn't exist as an actual  entity. I want an effect from seeing that, but that is still the self. 

What I am is the momentum of the conditioned self. Yes this must end, how? There is no how, that is still the self. This means that there must be something already operating that thought prohibits us from seeing. Look into the mind, there is only awareness.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Greenland Ice Sheet (1) FACT!

 The Greenland ice sheet loses 10,000 tons of ice per second,  into the planets oceans. There is already 5 feet of sea rise baked into the global system.. If all the planets ice melts the seas will rise 230 feet directly affecting 3.6 billion people. Of course the entire human population will be affected by climate migration. Many people will lose their properties and be left homeless. The price of real estate in desirable locations will sky rocket, it is already happening. 

We are on the threshold of the most threatening event that humanity has ever faced. Without a unified effort to mitigate fossil fuel consumption we will find ourselves facing the worst possible aspects of global warming. It is unfortunately true that humanity is divided on many fronts, i e, we are economically divided, we are politically, racially and religiously divided. These divisions will hinder our ability to save ourselves from ourselves. 

Humans are capable of dealing with climate change we are very creative yet so far we are not rising to face this challenge. We can't mitigate what is already baked into the system but we can prevent the worst possible scenario. (230 feet of seas). Time, however is not on our side, we need to act NOW!


While all this is unfolding the US politicians continue to fight amongst themselves and the wealthy continue to hoard vast fortunes, that feed their egos. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Class Warfare!

 The Rand Corporation did a study and they found that within the last fifty years - fifty trillion dollars (fifty trillion) was transferred from the bottom ninety percent of the population to the top one percent of the population. / In the fifties and sixties there were no bank bail- outs. Starting with president Reagan and financial deregulation, the financial crashes and the subsequent bailouts by the bottom ninety percent, began. Corporations including banks took control of the Government and turned it against the average US citizen. The average wage earner today receives compensation equal to compensation of the decade of the seventies, this if anything is criminal. Meanwhile CEO wages increased by 1,460%, hence we find ourselves in the middle of class warfare instituted by the one percent and made possible by the sycophants in the US Congress. There are basically three reasons behind this warfare, they are in order "stupidity, ignorance and greed, you have to be stupid and ignorant to be greedy. 


Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Truth about the Ukraine War

 Jeffery Sachs explains why the US is a madman! 


The Minds Default Setting!

It is an interesting question to ponder, "what if any, is the default setting of the human mind?" "Becoming" is that it? Everyone seems to be in a state of trying to achieve something, to become better, at what they perceive themselves to be. Yet to become requires awareness, hence awareness may be the default setting of the human mind/brain. We must be aware that we are aware!

 Why do thoughts arise on their own volition? This happens when we are consciously trying to navigate the things in our life. Awareness is just there in stillness, when we are not becoming. Doesn't this lead one to consider, is this awareness "deeper" when our thoughts are in abeyance? Our thought process is vital to our survival yet much of our thinking arises from our programed unconscious mind. If we are aware of this involuntary process then our unsolicited thoughts will gradually subside. Now consider this awareness minus our compulsive thinking. This will be something entirely new, (just what) we must find out for our selves. It seems possible that this could lead us to what is natural, our true nature. Also consider with thoughts arising, without choice, is like being nearly unconscious. Surely this is a state that is unnatural, meaning that there possibly must be a natural state i e,  awareness.  It seems we are unaware of how much we are trapped inside of our own programed thinking. We are living in a kind of darkness, which helps explain the current state of world affairs.

In a state of awareness one is not trying to become something, the default setting of awareness is already there, this eliminates the need for us to do anything (becoming) except to be aware that we are aware. We can call this meditation as long as we are not trying to become, what we already are.  

This is DT on the road, to the absence of conflict and true natural freedom.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Social Security.

Some things to think about:

 Social security was founded to allow people a way to live after they retire. Not all people are comfortable with investing to survive. Some people, after paying in for many years die before collecting anything from their Social Security account, 16.5  % of men & 10% of women. Social Security sometimes provides benefits for the survivor in a marriage and children if any.

Twenty to twenty two percent of US workers earn more that $147,000 per year, this number is the social security tax, cut off point.. Also there is no social security tax on earned interest, dividends from stocks, and capital gains. 

Social Security is forecasted to stay solvent until until 2035. It can stay solvent awash in money by taxing income that is not a wage. Social Security can raise the cut off from wages. Some people argue that they can do better with their retirement than the government and this may be true. Yet if they fail then social security will be there for them. If people are allowed to opt out of social security and fail with their own retirement plan, then will they want welfare. In the long run it is best to pay into Social Security in that most will get their money back. 

It is also possible to manage the money in Social Security in a way that it grows. The politicians that want to gut Social Security are causing our senior citizen unnecessary worry, that is quite frankly, inconsiderate and cruel. 


Bank Failures

 Money is an invention by humans that we have become subservient too. The vehicles for this subservience are greed and stupidity. Depressions, crashes, Inflation, run on banks, collapses, deflation, disinflation and so on are due to the subservience through greed and stupidity.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Inflation the Fix!

 Very simple, everybody agrees to lower prices! Of course the people causing the inflation will not want to lower their prices


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sustaining Belief! Warning Danger!

The holy books actually teach us something we need to understand, unfortunately we seem to be missing it. Consider that thought is capable of sustaining itself from generation to generation. This gives rise to the stream of human consciousness, where ideas and beliefs are sustained. In many instances people are thinking the exact same thing as people that lived thousands of years ago. Some people question what has been passed down and others do not and I'm uncertain as to why. In the case of the holy books, perhaps the people that accept them do it because they think they are getting something out of them, i e, Salvation. The idea of salvation is a thought sustained idea, people think they need to be saved via the holy book that then purports to save them.  

Let's consider, if the stories of the bible were introduced today for the first time. These tales would most likely, not be taken seriously, as the word of god, they would be taken for what they are and that is, tales. They may be seen as allegory but certainly not actuality. It is doubtful that people would be arguing to justify these tales, they would more likely be seeking proof. This proof would not be accepted if it came from with-in the tales themselves. The proof would need to be arrived at through the use of logic, i e, justified by reason. We also must consider that concrete proof one way or the other may not be possible, proof needs to be objective not subjective.We cannot say our holy books are true via their content or because they say they are.

Do we see the role that thought is playing? Our handed down thoughts are responsible for the role the holy books are playing in our lives. In one word "tradition" it seems to add validity to our beliefs. Yet is there such a thing as tradition or is it just more thinking? As we see, if thought did not play this role, we would question the validity of the contents our holy books. We think we need salvation via the books that tell us without actual proof that they are the way to thought induced salvation.  Delving a bit further into the role that thought is playing in our lives. We see that thought is constantly projecting the me in surroundings that are also projected. Here's the thing, there is no reason to project this reality because it is already happening without the interference of thought. In other words thinking you are here is redundant. Then there is this, if we are "thinking our existence" then we are missing the actuality of existence. Can we see that much of the stream of human consciousness is habitual. One more thing concerning the role that thought plays in our religious beliefs, every individual perceives god in their own unique way. Doesn't this tell us that it is our perceptions, that we are taking for god. If this were not the case everyone would think of god in the exact same way which would imply knowing. This points out that we do not know the god that we claim to worship. We just think we do. A god that needs or wants worship is a needy god which is pretty much a disqualification, of godliness.  

We are back again to awareness just look at awareness, it is natural, we are always aware, yet we must be aware that we are aware. The people that penned the holy books because they were unaware set in motion the quest for salvation which has resulted in human suffering and sorrow. What I am about to say for me, seems to be true but I cannot say that it is actually true. "Yet" This natural awareness will awaken us, allowing us to meld with our true nature eliminating our questions concerning existence. 

DT, On The Road To Freedom!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Letter to Tim Cook from Ralph Nader


In the Public Interest

Letter to Tim Cook, Other Ultra-rich CEOs and Hedge Fund Titans

The victims of the devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria need your help now. The surviving families and children and those rescued alive from the rubble are in serious danger in affected wintertime impoverished regions. Refugees in other places fleeing their war-torn homelands are also suffering. International aid agencies are grossly insufficient for these immediate humanitarian necessities.

What are you Big Business Titans doing sitting on massive pay, profits and tax escapes? Awakening your consciousness for your fellow human beings may be a modest form of redemption. Further, you have access to logistics specialists, delivery systems, communication facilities and many other contacts and resources. You get your calls returned! Fast!

Tim Cook, you have been making $833 a MINUTE (plus lavish benefits). Remarkably, your compensation is not even in the top ten of operating company CEOs. Moreover, your own cultivated sense of envy knows that there are Hedge Fund Goliaths, who in some recent years, made off with over $2,500 per MINUTE on a forty-hour week.

Tim, you and the Apple corporation are known to pay few taxes given what tax attorneys and tax accountants do for you (especially with Apple taking advantage of foreign tax havens while receiving the fruits of Washington’s free government R&D over the years). Your company has so much leftover money, flowing from the deprivation of a million serf laborers in China, and so few productive outlets for this mass of capital that you have set records for stock buybacks—over $400 billion in the last decade.

You and Apple and the Hedge Fund Titans are not known for your charitable giving as a percent of your adjusted gross income. Yet, if asked “Do you believe in the Golden Rule?” you would probably say “Yes” – at least in public.

Use your wealth and newfound empathy to organize direct relief for these earthquake victims and other major refugee areas such as the starving children of Somalia. Deliver food, medicine, clothing, shelter, mobile clinics and many other available airlifted essentials. Hire skilled people to make it happen. Give your new organization a prominent logo for permanence and for setting an example for other super-rich to emulate.

Your isolation from the public expectation that you enter the above engagements in a significant way is quite remarkable. That should trouble you and your public relations advisors.

Just this week National Public Radio (NPR) featured a startling compilation of what producers of movies and TV shows believe appeals to their viewers. It is no longer awe or envy of the ‘rich and famous.’ It is no longer the Horatio Alger myth. It is encapsulated in NPR’s headline: Why “eat the rich” storylines are taking over TV and movies.

As Bob Dylan sang, “the times, they are a-changin’.”

NPR reporter Kristin Schwab related:

“Hollywood’s depictions of the wealthy – and perhaps societal attitudes toward them – have changed.… The moment isn’t random. Think about the extreme economic events we’ve been through. There’s the pandemic, when essential workers kept the country running while the richest 1% amassed a huge sum of wealth – twice as much as the rest of the world put together (her emphasis), according to the non-profit Oxfam. And before that was The Great Recession, which is how we got the term “the 1%.”

Mr. Cook, Apple is reportedly making a contribution to the Turkey/Syria relief effort. Are you personally making a contribution? Your Big Business Titan comrades may think they can get away with gated, cold-blooded mentalities. They may be right about that if the mass media doesn’t turn its steely gaze toward their hoards of gold and question their “don’t give a damn” attitude.

Maybe they just can’t help themselves – so busy are they counting their lucre. Here is an idea: ask them to ask their grandchildren, 12 and under, what they want them to do. Absorb their moral authority and MOVE FAST TO HELP THOSE IN NEED!

Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader

Sunday, February 12, 2023

PAIN a Warning Sign.

  If the body receives a physical injury the nerves respond by alerting us with pain. Pain is simply telling us that there is something wrong and we must take corrective action. With that in mind we could say that pain is a good thing. I am going to suggest that mental pain is serving the same purpose. Mental pain has many sources that I will divide into two parts. The first one sees pain arise in regards to our personality. An example of this would be feeling pain because we think and feel that we are in some way not living up to standards be they self imposed or imposed through societal pressures. There are countless ways this type of pain can arise. The second avenue for the sensation of pain has to do with "being". A good example of this type of pain has to do with, not understanding why I, we are here, this encompasses the entirety of our existence. This pain is also telling us that there is something intrinsically wrong with our life. This type of pain explains the rise of religion however it is important to understand that religion is the outcome of pain, if there were no pain, people would not pursue religion. Religion arose after the feeling of pain. Religious people have not put an end to pain in many cases religious belief has worsened their pain. Religions, have their followers waiting for a reward, in the mean time pain prevails. 

The pain we are feeling from not understanding our place in life can only end when we have an insight into living. This insight will not come about through the process of thinking. This insight must be natural and there is only one thing we have that is natural and that is awareness. See that you are aware without any effort, when you are aware that you are aware, stay there, at first your mind will wander just be aware. Imagine God creating us and then making us pass a test to gain the totality of creation. What ever talents we possess to pass Gods test are God given, there is simply no logical way around this. 

with love, DT 

Note to Dems asking for support!

 I don't know how it is that I am considered a Democrat. I am not a member of any political party. It is factual that both major parties Democrats & Republicans have sold our government to the wealthy. I suggest you work to change all this before it is too late. 

A large segment of the countries population is economically under water, there are 600K homeless people, sixty percent of the workforce is living pay check to pay check. The Congress the Executive and the Judicial branches have turned against the peoples will. The outcome of all this is hard to predict however before "1984" comes to fruition there will be a revolt. 


Saturday, February 4, 2023

US PRISON SYSTEM Please, see link to help!

 With just 4.4 percent of the global population the United States has over twenty percent of the worlds population of prisoners. Why? The US has turned the prison system into a business. The US ranks number 79 in violent crimes, of all the nations on Earth. Right now there are about one million six hundred thousand US citizens incarcerated. 

These numbers are represented by poor white men, black and latino men. Many of these prisoners have not had a fair trial. This is criminal behavior by local, state and the federal government. We must put an end to these crimes against our citizens.

Link: "The Sentencing Project" See what's been going on for 50 years os mass incarceration.

I will add more to this as I do more research.


Sunday, January 29, 2023


In the beginning our Founding Father's made it clear.  

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution,"

The beginning of the preamble of our constitution, where it states that the Government of the people will promote the general welfare of the people, they meant all the people.  Today the Country via the government has lost its way, unless you are a wealthy Corporate Oligarch, then the government provides for your general welfare and far beyond. Unfortunately this has left the vast majority of US citizens without, many of the things that provide a meaningful life "general welfare". The current situation is permeated with corruption, couple this with an uninvolved citizenry and what you get for the the average US citizen is one of the poorest standards of living in the so-called developed world. The members of both major parties are at fault via taking money from the Corporate Oligarchs thus becoming indebted or in this case "literally owned". 

To ensure that their crimes (they swore an oath) go unchallenged one of the tactics used by our leaders is to promote divisions among the electorate, today the US is divided, some even comparing our time to the era of the Civil War. Consider also that many people believe that the things we are lacking should not be provided by the government, even when the government has taken away the avenues to procure what would deliver a decent way of life. Even when the Government in conjunction with the Oligarchs have made a decent life financially unreachable for millions of US workers. Wages have not kept pace with the cost of living for over five decades. Many of our citizens have not received a proper education therefore they are easily duped. Consider that corporations have turned the state against its own people in ways that are many and far reaching. Look at the way consumers are controlled through fine print contracts. It is now legal for the wealthy and corporations to give undisclosed political contributions. The tax system provides loop holes for the wealthy while the average wage earner just pays their taxes with no such benefits. The US has the worst labor laws of all the Western countries. The reason behind all this can be explained with just one word, "greed". We seem to have forgotten that the Senators and the Congressional Representatives work for us they don't work for wall street, well they're not supposed to, work for Wall Street. 

So to begin, we need to find common ground issues that all or most US citizens agree upon,  then united bring our demands to the five hundred and thirty-five members of the US Congress. If we don't do this, things will only get worse, more people will become bankrupt (one million per year)  more people will become homeless (currently 600,000) more people will find it impossible to achieve a decent life style and the country will slip further and further into third world status. 

Here are some things we almost all can agree upon: A living wage, as stated it is over five decades since the average wage has been increased. Wages have not kept pace with worker productivity and wages for the US workers have fallen drastically behind the increases seen by the top wage earners. Some executives have seen a four hundred percent increase in earnings while the average earner has seen a net zero increase. This is criminal and shameful. 

 Most citizens agree we are paying way too much for pharmaceuticals, most citizens agree that the country needs election reform, most agree that members of Congress should not receive benefits that the US workers do not receive. Most of us agree that health care should be affordable and available to all citizens and Healthcare billing fraud must be illuminated. Most of us agree that the Congress should be subject to term limits. Almost everyone thinks that we need to somehow get money out of politics. Most agree that Corporations are not people, in the 1800's corporations achieved personhood. Most agree that billion dollar bailouts of Wall Street should end especially when companies don't pay taxes nor some type of security like the average citizen. Most of us agree that monopolies should be broken-up, just look at the influence of companies like Google and FaceBook. Large corporations control the media hence, we hear what they want us to hear. Education must be available to all either free or at an affordable cost. Most agree that the US military budget is out of control, we must take a sensible approach to shrinking this out of control unregulated spending. Most agree that the laws of the country must be exercised evenly and ensure no one is above the law. 

The only way woe can bring these changes is to organize and bring our demand directly to the congress. We must begin with town meetings and grow outward from there. We must summons our representatives to our meetings. It is said that it will only take one percent of the people to bring about the changes we desire.

Bill Rogan AKA Dung Teller 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Fascinating Science Update!

Science is showing us that Space and Time are not fundamental. They don't hold up past 10 to the minus 33 centimeters. As we've already seen "what we can observe", cannot stand on its own, everything we see is finite meaning there is something else giving structure to what we observe, and it isn't material. 

The way humanity has chosen to live its life is completely wrong. I am not saying maybe it is wrong - science and philosophy are beginning to make this fact abundantly clear. To make something of ourselves to raise a family are not the rai-son d'ê-tre, I'm not saying not to do so. However these things are actually trivial when understanding is reached. 

A billion dead from wars, hundreds of millions dead from starvation, possible self annihilation, environmental destruction this cannot possibly be the right way to live. 


Sunday, January 1, 2023

How Democracy Was Stolen. Nader!


Follow the link! Can we gain what is rightfully ours? What the government and the Plutocrats have stolen from us?