Thursday, March 23, 2023

Greenland Ice Sheet (1) FACT!

 The Greenland ice sheet loses 10,000 tons of ice per second,  into the planets oceans. There is already 5 feet of sea rise baked into the global system.. If all the planets ice melts the seas will rise 230 feet directly affecting 3.6 billion people. Of course the entire human population will be affected by climate migration. Many people will lose their properties and be left homeless. The price of real estate in desirable locations will sky rocket, it is already happening. 

We are on the threshold of the most threatening event that humanity has ever faced. Without a unified effort to mitigate fossil fuel consumption we will find ourselves facing the worst possible aspects of global warming. It is unfortunately true that humanity is divided on many fronts, i e, we are economically divided, we are politically, racially and religiously divided. These divisions will hinder our ability to save ourselves from ourselves. 

Humans are capable of dealing with climate change we are very creative yet so far we are not rising to face this challenge. We can't mitigate what is already baked into the system but we can prevent the worst possible scenario. (230 feet of seas). Time, however is not on our side, we need to act NOW!


While all this is unfolding the US politicians continue to fight amongst themselves and the wealthy continue to hoard vast fortunes, that feed their egos. 

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