Thursday, March 23, 2023

Greenland Ice Sheet (1) FACT!

 The Greenland ice sheet loses 10,000 tons of ice per second,  into the planets oceans. There is already 5 feet of sea rise baked into the global system.. If all the planets ice melts the seas will rise 230 feet directly affecting 3.6 billion people. Of course the entire human population will be affected by climate migration. Many people will lose their properties and be left homeless. The price of real estate in desirable locations will sky rocket, it is already happening. 

We are on the threshold of the most threatening event that humanity has ever faced. Without a unified effort to mitigate fossil fuel consumption we will find ourselves facing the worst possible aspects of global warming. It is unfortunately true that humanity is divided on many fronts, i e, we are economically divided, we are politically, racially and religiously divided. These divisions will hinder our ability to save ourselves from ourselves. 

Humans are capable of dealing with climate change we are very creative yet so far we are not rising to face this challenge. We can't mitigate what is already baked into the system but we can prevent the worst possible scenario. (230 feet of seas). Time, however is not on our side, we need to act NOW!


While all this is unfolding the US politicians continue to fight amongst themselves and the wealthy continue to hoard vast fortunes, that feed their egos. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Class Warfare!

 The Rand Corporation did a study and they found that within the last fifty years - fifty trillion dollars (fifty trillion) was transferred from the bottom ninety percent of the population to the top one percent of the population. / In the fifties and sixties there were no bank bail- outs. Starting with president Reagan and financial deregulation, the financial crashes and the subsequent bailouts by the bottom ninety percent, began. Corporations including banks took control of the Government and turned it against the average US citizen. The average wage earner today receives compensation equal to compensation of the decade of the seventies, this if anything is criminal. Meanwhile CEO wages increased by 1,460%, hence we find ourselves in the middle of class warfare instituted by the one percent and made possible by the sycophants in the US Congress. There are basically three reasons behind this warfare, they are in order "stupidity, ignorance and greed, you have to be stupid and ignorant to be greedy. 


Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Truth about the Ukraine War

 Jeffery Sachs explains why the US is a madman! 


The Minds Default Setting!

It is an interesting question to ponder, "what if any, is the default setting of the human mind?" "Becoming" is that it? Everyone seems to be in a state of trying to achieve something, to become better, at what they perceive themselves to be. Yet to become requires awareness, hence awareness may be the default setting of the human mind/brain. We must be aware that we are aware!

 Why do thoughts arise on their own volition? This happens when we are consciously trying to navigate the things in our life. Awareness is just there in stillness, when we are not becoming. Doesn't this lead one to consider, is this awareness "deeper" when our thoughts are in abeyance? Our thought process is vital to our survival yet much of our thinking arises from our programed unconscious mind. If we are aware of this involuntary process then our unsolicited thoughts will gradually subside. Now consider this awareness minus our compulsive thinking. This will be something entirely new, (just what) we must find out for our selves. It seems possible that this could lead us to what is natural, our true nature. Also consider with thoughts arising, without choice, is like being nearly unconscious. Surely this is a state that is unnatural, meaning that there possibly must be a natural state i e,  awareness.  It seems we are unaware of how much we are trapped inside of our own programed thinking. We are living in a kind of darkness, which helps explain the current state of world affairs.

In a state of awareness one is not trying to become something, the default setting of awareness is already there, this eliminates the need for us to do anything (becoming) except to be aware that we are aware. We can call this meditation as long as we are not trying to become, what we already are.  

This is DT on the road, to the absence of conflict and true natural freedom.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Social Security.

Some things to think about:

 Social security was founded to allow people a way to live after they retire. Not all people are comfortable with investing to survive. Some people, after paying in for many years die before collecting anything from their Social Security account, 16.5  % of men & 10% of women. Social Security sometimes provides benefits for the survivor in a marriage and children if any.

Twenty to twenty two percent of US workers earn more that $147,000 per year, this number is the social security tax, cut off point.. Also there is no social security tax on earned interest, dividends from stocks, and capital gains. 

Social Security is forecasted to stay solvent until until 2035. It can stay solvent awash in money by taxing income that is not a wage. Social Security can raise the cut off from wages. Some people argue that they can do better with their retirement than the government and this may be true. Yet if they fail then social security will be there for them. If people are allowed to opt out of social security and fail with their own retirement plan, then will they want welfare. In the long run it is best to pay into Social Security in that most will get their money back. 

It is also possible to manage the money in Social Security in a way that it grows. The politicians that want to gut Social Security are causing our senior citizen unnecessary worry, that is quite frankly, inconsiderate and cruel. 


Bank Failures

 Money is an invention by humans that we have become subservient too. The vehicles for this subservience are greed and stupidity. Depressions, crashes, Inflation, run on banks, collapses, deflation, disinflation and so on are due to the subservience through greed and stupidity.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Inflation the Fix!

 Very simple, everybody agrees to lower prices! Of course the people causing the inflation will not want to lower their prices