Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 This naming is perhaps the stupidest thing that Time magazine has ever done., along with the most dangerous. Need I remind them that Trump was responsible for the deaths of over one hundred thousand US citizens. Trump tried to over throw the Government and people died and suffered. Trump cannot speak without telling multiple lies. Trump is a rapist a convicted felon the list goes. 

Time selects person of then year partly based on how much that person affected our lives. Making Trump person of the year will play to his narcissism he won't even think about being the person that had the most effect on our society at least not in any negative way. Time could be sucking up to Trump for all we know.

Being person of the year will just embolden Trump, allowing him to do more damage and to hurt more people. Time has done a great disservice to the American people to its readers,  the entire world if you think of it.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Killing for Change!

The murder of Insurance CEO, the murder of people denied health care.

  Medical insurance coverage should be eliminated the money they make should go to treatment. It is unfortunate that it may take killing to change the system that kills 68K people a year some of them are children. Killing may be the only thing that puts an end to the killing of innocent people. No one wants that however it may be necessary. That's the kind of society we've created.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Trump Legally Disqualified for the Presidency!

 This is a CALL TO ACTION to demand that Congress uphold its Constitutional duty. Insurrectionist Donald Trump remains disqualified from the presidency under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Congress must block his certification unless 2/3 of both houses grant him amnesty from his current disability to serve. Columnist Kaitlin Byrd joins Jessica Denson to explains the process, Democratic Senators should be initiating now, while our lawmakers must confront their fears, and react to Rep. Jaime Raskin's clear stand on this matter in the wake of the decision in Trump vs. Anderson.

Call your Representatives and tell them to follow the Constitution in regards to Trump and Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

We can not let fear keep us from doing what is right. Not doing what is right will be more painful in the end.


Thursday, December 12, 2024


 What about the fact that both the Democrats and the Republicans are owned by the Oligarchs? The average US citizen has no representation in their government. Millions of people can not come up with 400.00 in case of an emergency. This is the reason why they bought into Trumps lies. The average citizen has been ignored except for being robbed by their government. Currently the Republicans are talking about taking away the only thing that millions of US citizens need for their very survival. That fact makes the outcome of the election a mystery shrouded in an enigma. If the Republicans gut social security and medicare along with getting rid of the VA they will leave people no choice but to revolt.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Trump Lied about Project 2025!

 This is perhaps the worst lie in a life time of lying, because it has the potential of ruining the lives of millions of US citizens.  Billionaires are talking about cutting Medicare, Social Security, VA benefits and much more.  I believe that the public response to this cruel madness is a revolt. 

The citizens of the United States have paid taxes, paid into social security their entire working lived, the government is by the people for the people. No one has the right to take this away from the people. 

We must do whatever it takes to stop these Oligarchs. I am not condoning violence however they are willing to let people die through a myriad of causes, so they have already shown a willingness to do violence.

Wake up America!


Friday, December 6, 2024

United Health Care CEO gunned Down!

 Insurance companies are responsible for 68k deaths many of these deaths are children. One insurance executive is murdered and we don't condone this violence. Unfortunately it may take violence to get corporate America to listen. When project 2025 takes away Medicare, SSI VA benefits and many other government programs what can the people do so they don't starve or die from treatable medical conditions? The Oligarchs are pushing the people past the limits of human endurance. I would not be surprised to see more executives killed along with some Republicans. The minimum wage hasn't been raised since the 70's, corporate America is turning the working class into serfs. If things don't change and soon a revolt will be necessary to make things right.


Friday, November 8, 2024

THE OUTCOME! Updated 9/11

The german people elected Hitler, they stood by as he exterminated millions of people, they stood by as he squandered nearly an entire generation, they stood by as their country was bombed flat. The citizens of the United States have no idea of what they've done to themselves.


Soon the shit will hit the fan and the divided electorate will be reunited in regret!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Trump lied 11 Times.

 See this story on Yahoo

In just one interview Trump lied 11 times. 

Fact check: Trump makes at least 11 false claims in foreign policy interview

Monday, October 7, 2024

Cyclone Daniel!

 Last year in Libya between 5,000 and 15,000 people died in one night due to Cyclone Daniel. Amazing how this did not make it into our news reporting. Also the seed repository in Svalbard, Norway is being threatened by warming temperatures. 

The Seed Vault is the ultimate insurance policy for the world’s food supply, securing millions of seeds representing every important crop variety available in the world today and offering options for future generations to overcome the challenges of climate change and population growth.

A temperature of −18°C is required for optimal storage of the seeds. Permafrost and thick rock ensure that the seed samples will remain frozen even without power. The seeds are sealed in custom-made three-ply foil packages, which are sealed inside boxes and stored on shelves inside the Seed Vault. The low temperature and moisture levels inside the Seed Vault ensure low metabolic activity, keeping the seeds viable for long periods of time. From the web: 

Industry and the media are ignoring some of the effects of climate change. You can't get more stupid than that!



Saturday, September 28, 2024

Gaza the Palestinians and Israelis!


Hate has poisoned the minds of the Israelis and the Palestinians, there is no solution albeit the passage of time and separation. Or perhaps both sides could realize that they do not love their children. Remember what Golda Meir said "we can forgive you for killing our children but we cannot forgive you for making us kill yours" Love is the only way that this will be solved.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

14 Factors Contributing to Dementia

1 Less Educated, use your mind                                        

12 Social Isolation

13  Vision Loss

14 High Cholesterol

2  Decreased hearing, protect hearing use hearing aids

3 High Blood Pressure

4 Smoking

5 Body weight

6 Depression

7 Physical Activity

8 Diabetes

9 Reduce Alcohol Consumption

10 Traumatic brain injury

11 Air Pollution

12 Social Isolation

13  Vision Loss

14 High Cholesterol. 

We can adjust our living habits to control or effect these factors. 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

SHOCKING! Trump Admits He Lost the 2020 election! Come on Face the Truth!

 Trump when being questioned on the Lex Fridman Pod Cast # 442, stated that he lost the 2020 election by a whisker.  He has been lying all along. For those that said they believed him, now must face the truth. Trump has divided the nation all based on lies. Trump has made fools of millions of people. 

Check out what Nick J Fuentes the Neo Nazi Trump supporter says about Trump admitting he lost the 2020 election.  For instance: " Why did 1600 people go to jail?" 

It is time to heal the Nation, and bring Trump to justice.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

A comment on Youtube video about the Holocaust.


The holocaust makes one feel ashamed to be part of humanity. Still today humans are committing atrocities demonstrating that we are not a viable species. Humanity has not uncovered what it means to be alive. If humans do not uncover the meaning of life then we are doomed. There will be more wars, more killing, more problems with our environment . The germans of this era were truly deranged, having reached the pit of darkness which is what takes place when a species fails to reach viability.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Trumps Presidency! A Recap!

Hello friends I got this from the Jack Cocchiarella  pod cast on you Tube.  

"On the final day of Trumps presidency the US surpassed 400,000 deaths from a pandemic that his negligence allowed to run rampant.

The unemployment rate when Trump entered office was 4.7% It was 6.7% as he left.

The US deficit was 584 billion when Trump entered office and was 3.3 Trillion when he left.

Trump is the first President in the history of polling to never rise above 50% Gallup approval rating and he also had the lowest polling average of any President.

According to the Washington Post President Trump told over 30,000 lies while in office, including the Big Lie that the election was stolen, a lie that would lead to an illegal attempted overthrow of the US democracy by him and his supporters."

End of report! 


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why Biden should step aside!

 Suppose there is a crisis and Biden is having a seizure preventing him from reacting? Some part of the Biden team makes a required decision. Biden could not fill his role as the President. This could happen many times Biden not fulfilling his duties. This demonstrates that Biden could be absent when he's needed therefore he should not be President. His condition may be preventing him from seeing his condition.


Monday, July 1, 2024


 President Biden sees Donald Trump as a threat to our way of life under Constitutional Law. Biden therefore is compelled to officially order the killing of Donald Trump. This is what the Supreme Court of the United States has enabled. This is wrong, Court members that voted for Presidential immunity must be removed from the court. 


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Stupidity and the Trump Cult! Rev. 6/21/24

 I have been trying to understand why Donald Trump has gained such popularity. I came across the Theory of Stupidity by Bonhoeffer. Rather than giving my version of this theory I suggest you goggle it or go on YouTube.

An example: "Trump wants the president to have immunity for any wrong doing including murder. If this became law then Biden could have Trump killed and Biden would have total immunity per Trumps efforts. Arguing for someone to have the right to kill you is really really stupid ". One might, need to be deranged to want this.  

Trumps rise to power came about by normally intelligent people behaving in a stupid manor. All is not lost, these people need internal and external freedom, they need to look at themselves and Trump with true objectivity. 



Monday, May 13, 2024

David Bohm Eulogy!

 David Bohm was a world renowned physicist from Wilkes-Barre, Pa,. He wrote this eulogy for a friend at Penn State, the same eulogy was recited at his funeral.
“ In considering the relationship between the finite and the infinite, we are led to observe that the whole field of the finite is inherently limited, in that it has no independent existence. It has the appearance of independent existence , but that appearance is merely the result of an abstraction of our thought. We can see this dependent nature of the finite from the fact that every finite thing is transient.
Our ordinary view holds that the field of the finite is all that there is. But if the finite has no independent existence , it cannot be all that is. We are in this way led to propose that the true ground of all being is the infinite, the unlimited; and that the infinite contains and includes the finite. In this view, the finite, with its transient nature can only be understood as held suspended , as it were, beyond time and space, within the infinite. 
The field of the finite is all that we can see, hear, touch, remember and describe. This field is basically that which is manifest, or tangible.The essential quality of the infinite by contrast, is its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word spirit whose root meaning is “ wind or breath”. This suggest an invisible but pervasive energy, to which the manifest world of the finite responds. This energy, or spirit, infuses all living beings, and without it any organism must fall apart into its constituent elements. That which is truly alive in the living being is this energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies.”

Monday, April 22, 2024


Former President Trump is claiming that as president he was totally immune from prosecution for any wrong doing he may have done while in office. At the same time he is planning (if re-elected) on prosecuting President Biden for wrong doings Biden committed while in office. This clearly demonstrates what a complete idiot Trump really is. He's arguing that Biden could have him killed and not be held accountable. The SCOTUS is also demonstrating its idiocy by hearing arguments concerning a Presidential immunity for crimes committed while in office. So if the President betrayed the Country causing a great loss of life to our military and civilian personnel he would remain in office and not be held accountable. The courts willingness to hear arguments demonstrates the courts complete lack of common sense and its lack of understanding the Constitution. 


Monday, March 25, 2024


 Donald Trump and the MAGA republicans have plans for the country. These plans are Project 2025 and Agenda 47. You can go on line to find out what these plans have in store for the country. (Politics Girl on YouTube explains them) Also See: David Packman.)  Prior to Trumps leaving the office of the President he put into law Schedule F, which basically would paralyzed the functioning of the government, by removing thousands of government employees. Biden rescinded Schedule F upon taking office.

Trumps plans are meant to take control of the government via the removal of government employees replaced by Trump trained personnel. The basic idea is to dismantle the role the United States plays in the world, for example we would drop out of NATO and sell protection similar to the way the mafia does it. Think of this; Trumps drops the US out of NATO. Trump encourages Putin to attack NATO countries that aren't paying their share. Attacked countries hire US to protect them from Putins' Russia. Have you ever seen such madness? These programs either dismantle many US government agencies or curtail them, programs like Medicare and Social Security. The goal here is to deny services that many US citizens rely on for survival, the goal being to simply remove these people from society. Yes that's right let them die. 

Trump intends to eliminate government support for electronic vehicles and instead invest in flying cars. He also intends to build 10 cities on government land and fill them with people, that Trump considers ideal citizens, people that are loyal to him. These cities will be like the cartoon cities on the TV show The Jetsons. 

Make no mistake the Republican agenda outlines the consummate kleptocracy. To avoid what Trump has planned for us we must hand him a resounding defeat at the polls in the November elections.

A vote for Trump or any Republican  for that matter is a vote against yourself.  Please inform everyone you know about these plans to guarantee for us a dystopian future. 


Saturday, March 9, 2024


Sometimes in my discussions with others about belief I go off track, hence:  My hostility toward the followers of religion which is really a fault in my personality. I liken the way I feel and act to this, have you ever become mad or upset with people you love or care for, in some way? You may even feel anger.  I think most of us if not all will answer in the affirmative. If you are reading this and are someone I've alienated please accept my apology. The truth is that sometimes I get carried away when having discussions about belief and that leads to frustration. I must learn how to present my thoughts and arguments in a civilized manor. I think that I've made some progress in this direction. 

It just seems so clear that religion is based on faith, it is not based on knowledge. Christopher Hitchens said it like this. " You know it's called faith because it is not knowledge".

Bill Rogan AKA Dung Teller